Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Central Coast

Went for a day trip in Central Coast in October last year, yeah.. so this post is sort of 'dated'. Central Coast is about an hour drive from Sydney, it is consider one of the destination for short breaks around Sydney.

We didn't do a lot as it was only a day trip and we went on a Sunday... you know those feeling of spillover Monday Blues on Sunday night. Anyways, went for short walk at The Entrance and The Skillion. The place IS call The Entrance....

I have vague memory it is being call so due to Tuggerah Lake meets the Pacific Ocean, something like that. I have this impression that there isnt very much creative juice in naming places. Example is this The Entrance cos it is the entrance to the ocean, or the Harbour Bridge, cos the bridge is at the harbour... maybe, there are other names given creatively but I have not discovered those yet :P

Nevertheless, it has great view... very blue sky and sea :)

Side note: Alright, time to zzzzz

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Coat Hanger

It's all about the view in Sydney... and of course, one of the view is the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. Many, many buses bring tourist this designated spot to take picture of the Opera House, one of them is Kirribilli. At night, especially on the weekend, you'll see tourist, especially Chinese tourist (I wonder why) lining up to get their picture taken by a photographer who set his tripod, of course, the view is the Opera House.

Anyways, I, of course have my share of taking picture of the bridge, if not for view, would be to prove that I'm working hard in Sydney :P

from Walsh Bay
from Mrs Macquarie's Point
from Milsons Point / Luna Park
Also from Milsons Point / Luna Park
from McMahon's Point
from Circular Quay
from Cahill Walk (city)
from Cahill Walk (Milsons Point)
from ferry back from Cockatoo Island
from Balmain
from Milsons Point train station
from Pylon Lookout
from a car while crossing the bridge
There you have it... have your pick where you prefer to have your picture of the bridge.

I also like a shot of the city from Mrs Macquarie Point :)

Side note: Alright, I've been playing long enough, time to scrub those tiles

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Attempt to revive...

Everytime I saw the last post, I wanted to blog another post cos the title stressed even more that the post is dated. Somehow, day goes to week, proceed to month... and it is still that last post.

Someone asked if I dont blog anymore, another hassled me about not updating, another one said I dont do Sydney/NSW/Australia enough justice, considering I blogged the whole Vietnam trip up.

So... I'll try to blog up some dated post, places I've been and contemplated posts in the head but did not materialize. Anyways... hey, this is considered as a new post, isnt it ;)

Side note: Oh.. I love the sultana bran cereal :P