Thursday, January 1, 2009


Life is like having a cup of tea.
You sit by the side of the window, lift the cup and take a careless sip,Only to realize, somebody forgot to put the sugar. Too lazy to go for it you somehow struggle through the sugarless cup. Until you discover un-dissolved sugar crystal sitting at the bottom...

---That's Life---
*edit: source - forwarded email

Side note: Fireworks is awesome in Sydney... thank you :)

Report Card for 2008

I must've been bitten by some bug, I just dont have the mood to write... despite sometimes I would have this thought of "hmm.. this picture would look good in the blog" or something along that line of thoughts but somehow I just never got around to blog. Even have thoughts to write about Christmas and all.. but its already in 2009, I'll just let it be ok? :P

Referring to the earlier post on my backlogs... not too bad, all done except for 2, but one of them is kind of a pressing matter now which is looking for a Japanese class, the other is catching up on my animes.

Ah... the purpose of this post is my report card for 2008.

1. Eat less, exercise more
To shed off at least 5 kg and remain as that

Lol... I did lost some weight, that was before Christmas, not 5 kg, about 2-3 kg. I made an appointment for blood donation in Sydney, for the first time... in fact was rather excited about it as I stay off donating for one whole year as only got my ear pierced December in 2007. However it appears that the minimum weight (with clothes) for donating blood in Australia is 47 kg due to volume of blood to be taken. I am weigh less than that, used to be 48 kg... and no, I'm not skinny, I'm short, so the weight is proportionate. Anyways, I'm having second thoughts, if i lost a little weight, I cant donate blood = ="

2. Learn how to make up (I might as well write: Be more girly... *ponder... Nay :P)

This... accomplished.

3. Be less anti-social

Removed earlier...

4. Learn something new or brush up a skill/knowledge

Took LOMA - 2 papers and passed. Initially thought of brushing my mandarin, didnt really work. In fact, unexpectedly, I think my cooking skills has slight improvement :)

2009 resolution? Umm... that's another story.

Side note: Lately have been extra clumsy, knocked my left leg against the table, hit my right toe against the chair... painful T.T