Monday, December 8, 2008

Picking up my "backlogs"

I subconsciously pushed everything possible to after my JLPT exams. Not that it gained me a lot of time but the fact that I postponed things to post exams conned the stupid brain that in such way, I actually spent more time studying. The theory is like where you would pack your very thick textbooks into your bag, lugged it to Puduraya, walked from the Star LRT through the long walkway to the bus station, bring it home to your hometown and leave your books in the bag, not bringing it out even once nor flipped a single page but it somehow comforts you that at least, you brought it along.

Ok.. that sentence was a little too long, anyways, you get my point. So... here I am blogging after a while cos blogging falls under the category of "things to be done after JLPT". The list goes on ... (not in proper sequence)
  1. Look for new accommodation as I foresee my landlord going to raise the rental again after 6 months
  2. Buy christmas presents
  3. Write christmas cards and post it
  4. Look for Japanese class
  5. Clean the place up
  6. Watch the piling up Naruto and Bleach
  7. Reply some emails
  8. Contemplates if I should make some handmade cards
  9. Downloads pictures from the SD card

Let me know if you've asked me to do something and I replied you "after my exams" and I'll put it to the list :P

Side note: I hate moving...