Friday, June 20, 2008

Forgive and forget?

Forgive and forget. That’s what they say. It’s good advice, but it’s not very practical. When someone hurts us, we want to hurt them back. When someone wrongs us, we want to be right. Without forgiveness, old scores are never settled… old wounds never heal. And the most we can hope for, is that one day we’ll be lucky enough to forget.
Quoted from Grey's Anatomy - The Heart of the Matter, narrated by Meredith Grey

Somehow I realise, I have this thing for shows with narration. Be it Grey's Anatomy or Macgyver (have been catching up with this old show for a bit) or even HK drama. Maybe, in some ways or another, those narrations do hit a chord or two.

Side note: Will terminate the phone line & internet later in the morning...

Friday, June 13, 2008


Just finished watching this HK drama 最美丽的第7天. In one of the episode, there was this narration that when I heard of it, I paused the show, and start googling.


No... it doesn't have any special meaning to me, but it is indeed a good phrase.

Side note: I learnt a new medical condition from the show - Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS). It is a rare autosomal dominant hereditary disorder which greatly increases the susceptibility to cancer. The syndrome is due to a mutation in the p53 tumor suppressor gene which normally helps control cell growth.
Source: Wikipedia

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Break from cleaning up...

Was looking through the cluttered files in my HDD and found this media file. I got a bit distracted from the organizing... its easy to be distracted from cleaning & organizing anyway. It was this media file prepared by Little P for Moomoo gal for her last day at work, dated back in August 2007. Time sure flies. In a few blinks, from frolicking in paddy fields, she is now running marathon in the lion city.

Reminded me when I was deleting mails from my lotus notes in office a couple of days ago. There were mails from friends that I have forgotten that I've wrote all those long emails, to people whom I have not emailed to for a while. I guess once in a while, we ought to remind ourselves to stop for a while, to take some time off, write some long winded emails or letters. Keeping in touch with long lost friends. At least for myself. I think I ought to. A short sms may lead to adding of a friend in the instant messengers and daily chats to keep my sanity.

To the one faraway tuck in the middle east, or the ones having lunch time now in the lion city down south, or those in expensive lands further north, or the ones hopping with kangaroos, or the ones I have not been writing to for a bit... I shall be good. I shall pick up my pen or start typing emails... :)

Side note: Time to buck up on packing, cleaning...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My Pathetic 作文

ホイアン (Hoi An)  は ベトナム(Vietnam)の 小さくて、古い 町 です。小さい 町 ですから、空港 と 電車の駅 が ありません。でも ホイアン (Hoi An) へ いったら、簡単 ですよ。まず ハノイ(Hanoi) から 電車で フエ (Hue)  へ いきます。フエ (Hue) から ホイアン(Hoi  An)まで バス で 4 時間 かかります。

ホイアン (Hoi An)は きれいだし、静かだし、それで 有名 です。いくら 便利じゃない でも、多くの 人 は ホイアン (Hoi An)  旅行します  いきます。 昔、ホイアン (Hoi An) は 大切 な 港です。たくさん の 船 と 商人 は いっきました いったんです。中国 や 日本 など からきました。それわ 日本と中国 の 古い ビル が あります。有名 な 日本の橋 も あるんです あります。その橋 は 1590 年 できました。

いま、ほかに 旅行 場所、旅行者 は ホイアン (Hoi An)  へ 買い物します ホイアン (Hoi An)  で 買い物できます 。 いろいろ 物 が あるん ありますから  とくに テーラードスーツ (Tailored suit)。なんでも いろいろ な デザイン が コピーできます。

まい がつつき の 十四か は お祭り が あります。乗り物 は 使えません。自転車 しか のりません。
時間 あったら、ホイアン (Hoi An)  いっかない でしょう か へ いきませんか?

Side note: Sensei must've listen to some very good classical music when reading my 作文

Monday, June 2, 2008

I really shouldn't go out...

Ok... I realise everytime I step out of the house, more than RM 50 will disappear from the purse. I'm not even a shopaholic but the $$ flows out faster than water... creepy.

Blood test - RM 114
Lunch - RM 10
Books - RM 68
Miki Ojisan no Mise cheese cake - RM 18.90
Socks - RM 10
Starbucks coffee - RM 5.35 (cos I have RM 10 voucher)

and all that spent by 4 pm... and darn.. me hungry again.. = ="

Side note: Guess I'll have to settle for oats for dinner...